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قديم 09-11-2016, 01:10 AM   #1
progs prof
اتحادي متألق

بيانات العضو
رقم العضوية : 222853
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2016
المشاركات: 1,054
عدد النقاط : 18
معدل تقييم المستوى: 2
progs prof
الملف الشخصي


لعبة الاكشن الرهيبة 2016 How to Survive 2 (+3 DLC, MULTI12) نسخة ريباك + التورنت




لعبة الاكشن الرهيبة 2016 How to Survive 2 (+3 DLC, MULTI12) نسخة ريباك + التورنت

How to Survive 2 (+3 DLC, MULTI12) [FitGirl Repack] torrent

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لعبة الاكشن الرهيبة 2016 How to Survive 2 (+3 DLC, MULTI12) نسخة ريباك + التورنت

How to Survive 2 + 3 DLC (Build Sep 8, 2016)

لعبة البقاء على قيد الحياة How to Survive 2 نسخة ريباك بحجم 1.71 GB + التورنت

ميت او حي؟ تجعل عقلك غريب هنا في ولاية لويزياناالبقاء على قيد الحياة منفردا أو مع الأصدقاء وأنت تنظر لتلبيةالاحتياجات الأساسية الخاصة بك من الغذاء والماء والمأوى وصياغة الأدوات والأسلحة الخاصة بك أثناء تأمين المخيم

معلومات عن اللعبة

Release Date: September 8, 2016
Genres/Tags: RPG, Action RPG, Open world, Survival, Isometric, 3D
Developer: Eko Software
Publisher: 505 Games
Platform: PC [Repack]
Engine: in-house
Steam User Rating: 72% of user reviews are positive (based on 3,196 reviews)

Interface Language: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Portuguese-Brazil, Korean, Thai, Turkish
Audio Language: English

Crack: built-in (CODEX/3DM/ALI213/SSE)


لعبة الاكشن الرهيبة 2016 How to Survive 2 (+3 DLC, MULTI12) نسخة ريباك + التورنت لعبة الاكشن الرهيبة 2016 How to Survive 2 (+3 DLC, MULTI12) نسخة ريباك + التورنت لعبة الاكشن الرهيبة 2016 How to Survive 2 (+3 DLC, MULTI12) نسخة ريباك + التورنت لعبة الاكشن الرهيبة 2016 How to Survive 2 (+3 DLC, MULTI12) نسخة ريباك + التورنت لعبة الاكشن الرهيبة 2016 How to Survive 2 (+3 DLC, MULTI12) نسخة ريباك + التورنت لعبة الاكشن الرهيبة 2016 How to Survive 2 (+3 DLC, MULTI12) نسخة ريباك + التورنت


Several years have passed since the original How to Survive events on Los Riscosâ?™ archipelago. Now the local infection has turned into a worldwide pandemic. Everyone around the world, groups of people or lone wolves, try to survive one more day among the infected, attempting to recover a semblance of normal life. You find yourself in Louisiana and your survival chance starts by building a safe camp and becoming a skilled survivalist.
Find water, food and shelter and talk to the unconventional locals to make your way around.

An eccentric masked stranger offers you help? Sure, sounds way better than zombies!

Included DLCs (Abandaned Pack)

How To Survive 2 - Combat Knives
How To Survive 2 - Crow Pet
How To Survive 2 - Teddy Bear Helmet

Repack Features

Based on How.to.Survive.2-CODEX ISO release: codex-how.to.survive.2.iso (3,116,695,552 bytes)
100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
All DLCs included and activated
Alternative cracks (3DM/ALI213/SSE) added to NoDVD folder, 3DM made default as more compatible
NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 2.9 to 1.7 GB)
Installation takes 3-5 minutes (depending on your system)
After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
HDD space after installation: 5 GB
Use "Language Selector.exe" in "Exe" folder to change the game language[*]Repack by FitGirl

Problems during installation?

If you experience errors (Xdelta or Unarc ones) during installation, try the following things:

Make sure your ******s username doesn't contain non-latin symbols. Use only latin characters & numbers
Re-hash torrent (in Utorrent point to the game entry, stop download/upload, then click right mouse button, then click "Force Re-check")
Disable antivirus (INCLUDING ******s Defender), it can delete installation files or cracks on-the-fly
Set UAC to a minimum level, otherwise some parts of the installer won't run due to restricted rights
Make sure you have at least as two times more virtual memory, than actual, physical RAM
Make sure you have enough space on target drive & on C: drive (or whatever system drive you have)
Try install the game NOT to C: (system) drive OR specifically to C: drive (******s rights system is a tricky thing)
Check your ******s folder (and below) for unarc.dll - if this file exists, delete it
Reboot in Safe Mode and install the game
Run setup with proper rights, as shown on this image:

لعبة الاكشن الرهيبة 2016 How to Survive 2 (+3 DLC, MULTI12) نسخة ريباك + التورنت

متطلبات تشغيل اللعبة

Minimum requirements

Operating System: ******s 64 bits
Processor: Intel i3 3GHz
Video Card: DirectX 11 compatible
DirectX: 11
HDD Space: 5 GB

لتحميل اللعبة برابط تورنت صاروخى

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