القادسية دوري المحترفين السعودي 11/03/2012  استاد الأمير عبدالله الفيصل 20:10
الهلال دوري المحترفين السعودي 14/02/2012   استاد الأمير عبدالله الفيصل الهلال 2 - 0 الاتحاد

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قديم 02-09-2015, 09:35 PM   #1
اتحادي مميز

بيانات العضو
رقم العضوية : 207700
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2013
المشاركات: 4,483
عدد النقاط : 13
معدل تقييم المستوى: 5
الملف الشخصي


الاداه الرهيبه لفحص تعريفات جهازك وتحديثها SlimDrivers 2.2.44488




SlimDrivers 2.2.44488

الاداه الرهيبه لفحص تعريفات جهازك وتحديثها SlimDrivers 2.2.44488

الاداه الرهيبه لفحص تعريفات جهازك وتحديثها SlimDrivers 2.2.44488

SlimDrivers is the best way to comprehensively manage all of your PC drivers in one place. It lets users get an up-to-the-minute stream of data that includes device profiles on every piece of hardware, no matter how new it is. Published by SlimWare Utilities, SlimDrivers capitalizes on a massive data-cloud that actively streams information to a PC.

This information is not once-and-a-while like an update, but constant and always improving. It ensures that whenever you install SlimDrivers, you will be able to accurately find and analyze all of your drivers easily. With its sleek one-click interface, SlimDrivers lets you assess device, application, and system drivers at the same time and get pro-active reports on what needs updating and what can be left alone.

Unlike other, limited updaters, SlimDrivers will actually start the update process for you. Instead of having to go online and manually search for ******s-specific drivers on scattered support sites, SlimDrivers uses its community-sourced feedback to supply self-managed links that retrieve each needed update specifically. It begins the installation process for you, so all you have to do is click a button. SlimWare Utilities was founded because there was a visible need to have software that was pro-active, not just reliant on the occasional update or a pre-installed set of analysis profiles.

الاداه الرهيبه لفحص تعريفات جهازك وتحديثها SlimDrivers 2.2.44488


الاداه الرهيبه لفحص تعريفات جهازك وتحديثها SlimDrivers 2.2.44488













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